Welcome to my kitchen! This is my first post and I'd thought I'd share a photo of the space I spend a lot of my time. I am starting this blog as sort of completion to the quad that is my family. My mother is a massage therapist, energy healer, body ecologist, real food lover, nutritional extraordinaire. My father is a plant pathologist, master gardener and lover of all things naturally beautiful and life giving. My brother is a self taught chef and in the middle of studying to become a Osteopathic Doctor. My take on nutrition, food and healing is the practical application of all these and how real food can be used to heal and nurture in everyday life. I'll dive into the challenges we face when feeding kids and ourselves as busy professionals, athletes, mothers or just plain ol people that like to eat good things. This is a blog about real food, real people, good fats, vegetables, meat and other proteins, my journey with and without grains and how to see the beauty in all of it, enjoy the process and make it look pretty in the end.

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